
Hi, and thanks for having a look.

The Joey newsletter was started in June 2007. It started and stopped several times, and then took off the ground for good about 2010. It’s been going strong ever since, and as is obvious, it’s now went online.

The Joey newsletter has been and will always be, entirely free to use, reprint, and reproduce. In fact, we can even create custom issues for your church/group.  The only conditions that apply to its use is that it is never sold.

We originally started as a spin-off of a junior youth group at the Pentecostal Family Church, and eventually moved into a more independent fashion now, where we are now affiliated with Dunamis South Pacific Apostolic (http://dunamispa.wordpress.com/) and reaching out to more kids and wanna-be kids than ever before.

Our goal is to provide material for children in particular that will engage them both in the Bible and it’s power, and the world around them and it’s amazing Creator. Our ultimate goal, is to point whoever reads the Joey newsletter, to Jesus. Nothing without him.

Contact the editor at dunamispa@gmail.com

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